GDI 305: Manufacturing Defects

Additional instructions are provided in GDI 305 on Planer Tear, Saw Cuts, and Skips.


GDI 305: Planer Tear

A planer tear is rare occurrence within a board. It is a very short fiber tear along the grain occurring near the edge of the board as a result of milling. It has little to no effect on the appearance and use of the board.  Refer to the table below for planer tear allowances for each grade:

 Grade Planer Tear Allowance
 C Select  Not Permitted
 D Select  Not Permitted
 Finish  One through the edge,  no more than ¼” in depth and 3” in length
 Premium  One through the edge,  no more than ½” in depth and 4” in length
 Standard  Limited as an edge break
 Industrial  Not Limited by Grade

GDI 305: Saw Cut Limitations

The width of penetration of a saw cut into the wide face will not exceed the diameter of the allowable hole.

GDI 305: Skips - Hit and Miss Allowances

In reference to “Hit and Miss” the “hits”will be cleanly surfaced areas at least 1/2 the width and 2” or more in length. The “misses” will be no deeper than 1/16” and less than 4’ in length.

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